Sizebox Download

While this page is written while using Windows x64 it works the same for any other os


Installing the game is fairly simple, just follow one of the links below to and download the correct version for your operating system. The usual method of downloading game via the launcher is currently down. In the meantime the current stable release can be downloaded here: Sizebox 2.9. A more updated but potentially buggy version can be. Sizebox model download free content aerys bat game macro. See more from Aerys. Listed in Folders. Prev Main Gallery Download Next. Sizebox Model Download.

After you have downloaded the binaries from the previous page you can continue with the following steps.

  • Ich hoffe das Video hat euch gefallen wenn ja lasst ein like da und ein Abo da und Teilt das Video-.
  • If you enjoy Sizebox and want to thank the community developers for their hard work, you can send them a tip with Ko-fi. Tips will be added up monthly and distributed equally to everyone who worked on Sizebox development in the past month.
  1. Create a folder somewhere on your computer where you want the game to be installed.*
  2. Extract the content of the zip file you downloaded into this folder
    • Linux and mac users: run the following two commands in the folder via a terminal so that execution permissions are set
      • chmod a+x SizeboxLauncher
      • chmod a+x SelfUpdater
  3. Run the SizeboxLauncher (on windows it might be called SizeboxLauncher.exe)
    • On windows the system might prompt you to allow the sizeboxlauncher a connection to the internet. This is needed for the launcher to get the game files from our server
    • On windows the system might prompt you to allow the self updater a connection to the internet. this is needed so that the launcher can update itself if required
  4. Since this is the first time your downloading the game it might take a while for the launcher to get all the files. Just wait pantiantly
  5. Once the download is completed Sizebox will start

After the installation you will notice 2 new folders next to the launcher

Sizebox Download Discord

  • Sizebox: this is where game clients are stored. It is best to not manually edit anything in this folder as the launcher will overwrite possible changes
  • Content: this is where models are stored, if you have custom gts/micro/object/player or whatever type of files, its best to put them in here