Twitch Bandwidth Test Tool

Streaming on twitch is quite straightforward, but there can be a few technical difficulties that can botch your stream, especially for someone that is just starting out. So it’s important to run test streams first to see if the broadcast is fully optimized and suited for you and the content that you will be creating.

Determine your upload speed, using this tool: Twitch Bandwidth Test Tool by R1ch. The reason you’re using this is because “speed test” websites determine your upload speed to servers that are not owned by twitch. Non-twitch servers do not accurately reflect what will be done with twitch over a sustained period of time.

The best way to ensure that your stream will be in perfect condition before broadcasting is to run a test stream using Twitch’s Inspector Tool. It will allow you to assess the stream quality and certify that the stream will run properly. Running a test stream prior to the actual broadcast will allow for the streamer to focus more on the content instead of worrying about technical issues such as connection and bit rate issues.

TwitchTest: Twitch Bandwidth Tester - Page 2. Is this not compatible with x64 OS? Im actually curious, because you stated that a proper connection would start at 80+ quality to stream so i tested different TCP Settings multiple times and uploaded the best. This means that sometimes the geographically closest server isn’t the best. For this reason, I still recommend using the Twitch bandwidth test tool. I made a video about using this tool, which I highly recommend watching. For any streamer, I’d recommend using the test tool to determine the best servers for your stream. Use Speedtest on all your devices with our free desktop and mobile apps. I've created a program for streamers called TwitchTest that will test your upload speed to each Twitch server and report the sustained bandwidth. It's important to know what kind of bandwidth you can get so you can set an appropriate bitrate on your stream to avoid dropped frames.

Generally, Twitch’s Inspector Tool shows how your video data is being transmitted into Twitch servers and it shows if your stream has periods of instability. It also allows you to detect some of the common errors and problems through the Bitrate Graph in the tool which shows the bitrates out of the broadcast and how it will look once it arrives in the server.


We list down the steps on how to test your Twitch stream here, and offer you insight on the things to keep in mind.

Step by Step Guide on how to Test Your Twitch Stream

  1. Log into Twitch.
  2. On a second tab, go to Twitch’s Inspector Tool, and click “Run a Stream Test”.
  3. Navigate to your Twitch Dashboard.
  4. Copy your “Primary Stream Key”
  5. Open your preferred streaming software, like OBS, and go to settings.
  6. Go to the stream tab located on the left in the settings tab, and then click “Use Stream Key.”
  7. Paste the stream key then add the code “?bandwidthtest=true” to the end of it. Hit “apply”, then “ok”.
  8. Click “Start Streaming” on OBS and the live green box should appear showing that you are live.
  9. Go back to the Twitch’s Inspector Tool tab, check if everything looks good.
  10. Observe the stream’s performance and try playing for a few minutes just to be sure that there will be no problems once you actually start broadcasting.

Factors that Affect A Stream

There are main factors that make up the Inspector Tool’s graphs and they are: bitrate, bandwidth, RTT, and the ingest server. Here, we briefly explain what these are and how they affect the stream:

  • Bitrate – Bits of video transferred per second. Twitch has specified a maximum of 6000 kbps of bitrate. A lot of Twitch streams use less. A higher bitrate can result in a higher quality video, however, it may reduce the number of potential viewers because some computers or internet connections could not handle higher bitrate. Also, a higher bitrate does not directly translate to a higher video quality.
  • Bandwidth – This doesn’t necessarily show the bandwidth of your internet, but more on the bandwidth that the inspector tool was able to sustain on the server. Twitch recommends a minimum bandwidth of 4-6mbps while streaming, and anything above 6mbps means that your stream is doing well.
  • RTT – Round Trip Time measures how long it takes to establish a connection with the server. Servers that are farther away will have a higher number due to greater physical distances.
  • Ingest Server – Streams are delivered from twitch through an “ingest server”, where the stream is processed, registered, then prepared for the viewers. Make sure to select a Twitch server that you can get the lowest ping. This changes based on how your internet provider routes your traffic, so always do a test stream before broadcasting from a different location or internet service provider (ISP).

Note: If in doubt, use the ingest server physically closest to you.

Common Issues and How to Fix Them


If connection instability persists after lowering the bitrate, it could be a local network problem. This can be caused by a spotty wifi, broken cable, local internet issue, or some other processes in your system that is consuming internet bandwidth.

Make sure that no other devices are taking up internet bandwidth and the physical hardware such as the router, modem, and cables are fine, and that there are no network interruptions in your area.


Sometimes the computer could not handle the load of all the processes in the system and it causes issues for the stream. Make sure that your computer will be optimized for streaming and is capable of handling the multiple processes that you will be using. Do not overload your computer with background processes while streaming and use only what is necessary.



Streaming at 14,000 kbps bitrate certainly won’t help your bandwidth or your broadcast . Simply having a higher bitrate does not necessarily mean better quality. Excessively high bitrate can cause stability issues in the stream. Remember to follow the maximum of 6000 bitrate, Twitch made that a standard for a reason. In many cases, high bandwidth causes stream instability throughout a broadcast.


A stream that uses a variable bitrate or if the streaming encoder is not accurately limiting the bitrate may cause buffering inconsistencies for the viewers. The average bitrate is normally 3500 kbps, and if it suddenly spikes to 4500 kbps, the stream will experience issues and will cause the stream to buffer to those watching the broadcast. To avoid interruptions and buffers, either set a constant bitrate or lower the bitrate.

Sometimes, when the encoding tries to optimize the bitrate too much, it can cause bitrate dips, and once the bitrate goes back up, the broadcast will buffer from trying to load too much video data. Try a different encoder that fits your bandwidth, and be aware that dips may happen if your computer does not have enough CPU power for the encoder to compress the data of the stream.

The issues listed above are the most common issues that your stream can experience, and there may be some other isolated issues that are not addressed in this article. For those, you can refer to Twitch’s Guide to Broadcast Health.

We have more articles and guides to help you get your streaming and esports journey started! Check them out here!

We all like to produce high-quality streams that look professional and delight the eyes of viewers on the other end of the screen. Stryker pmcs manual. Besides the gear you are utilizing for your streams, there is also a very important aspect that affects the quality of your broadcasts, and it is called bitrate.

Bitrate could be described as the measurement of the amount of information you are sending and at what speed it is being sent, as well as the amount of data required to encode a video. It is measured in kilobits per second (kbps). Then what is bitrate on Twitch? From the Twitch streaming perspective, bitrate is the amount of data you send to Twitch while broadcasting on your channel.

Twitch Bandwidth Test Tool

How To Choose The Best Bitrate For Twitch

The higher the bitrate, the more of your available Internet bandwidth space is consumed. If you bring up the bitrate, it will improve the overall stream quality, but only to a certain extent, as there are other factors that need to be taken into account. These are resolution and frame rate. The former is concerned with the size of a video on the screen, while the latter refers to the frequency at which animation frames are sent to Twitch.

That being said, Full HD resolution usually has 1080p and 60 frames per second (FPS). If you stream at such a resolution, a higher bitrate is required, and the high frame rate also requires extra encoding capabilities. Should you have enough Internet bandwidth and encoding power to broadcast at Full HD, then this is the way to go. However, it is not always the case, as the settings need to be tweaked to optimize the video quality.

Internet Speed Test

The speed of your Internet is paramount in terms of knowing what Twitch bitrate options you could go for. Head over to and run a Twitch bandwidth test. What is important to take notice of here is the upload speed. Once you know your speed, you will be able to measure the amount of bandwidth that you could spend on streaming.

Twitch Encoding Chart

If you’ve ever asked yourself “what twitch bitrate should I stream at regularly?” then you’ve come to the right place! Below is a twitch encoding chart with a list of settings of the best bitrate for Twitch options and additional features to allow for the optimal quality of the video output. The information comes from the official twitch encoding chart so these settings are 100% safe!

Twitch Max Bitrate

Irrespective of the streaming platform you are using, the Twitch service has a soft cap for the bitrate that is set at 6000 kbps. Certain Partnered streamers can even break the soft cap since the Twitch servers can allow them to move up to 8000kbps. As we have already established though, a higher bitrate could indeed provide a higher video quality, but what you might consider the best bitrate for Twitch streaming on your end could potentially not resonate with your viewers, as some Internet connections and computers are not able to handle high bitrate Twitch streams.

Whether you are using OBS or any other broadcasting application, your Internet upload speed should be the starting point for determining what Twitch max bitrate you could set for your streams. As an example, if you would like to stream at 1080p 60fps, then the typical Twitch recommended bitrate is 6000kbps.

However, when dealing with OBS video bitrate for Twitch, you could try to go for 8000kbps, which is the best Twitch bitrate for streaming at high settings, but since this value is not provided in the Twitch encoding chart, proceed at your own risk.

Twitch Affiliate Max Bitrate

Despite Twitch’s bitrate cap that technically means that anyone could stream at the highest rate, the optimal Twitch Affiliate max bitrate recommendations are below the limit. The reason for that is non-partnered streamers, including Affiliates, are not guaranteed to be provided transcoding options on their channels. In which case, if you decide to stream at 1080p 60fps, your viewers will have to watch it at these settings, without having an option to adjust the video quality, based on their varying Internet connection. Such a scenario would result in your stream being unwatchable and the loss of some viewers is virtually inevitable. Hence, the Twitch Affiliate max bitrate is a subjective matter.

So, what bitrate should I stream at then? If you are not a Partnered streamer yet, we recommend the Twitch Affiliate bitrate to be in the region of 4500-6000kbps. In addition to that, it is best to go for 720p-900p 60fps settings to ensure you have a stable stream at optimal quality.

How To Make The Most Of Your Internet Speed

If you do not have the fastest Internet speed for streaming, it is better to choose settings other than max bitrate, resolution, and frame rate while maximizing the use of the Twitch encoding chart!

Dynasty warriors 8 - empires - corepack torrent. Should you be up for streaming a multiplayer game, the recommendations are to have some spare bandwidth left, ideally, at least 3mbps, to avoid dealing with in-game lag. For instance, if you have a good Internet speed overall with the upload speed of 9mbps and are streaming at 720p 60fps with the bitrate of 4500kbps (or 4.5mbps), then you will have half of your upload speed to spare.

Also, depending on the type of game you are playing on stream and if your bandwidth is not the greatest, you might want to sacrifice either the resolution or frame rate to some extent. For fast-paced games, high FPS is more crucial than the former. Conversely, if you are playing a battle-royale game like PUBG, having a high resolution will allow you to see enemies at a distance, so you could bring down the frame rate on this occasion.

In case you feel like your Internet connection is not up to the standard to set the best streaming bitrate for Twitch that you would feel comfortable with, then you should reach out to your Internet service provider and see if they can improve your speed. This could usually be done by upgrading your plan or sometimes there might just be some kind of an issue on their end that is causing speed problems.

How To Check The Health Of Your Stream

Twitch Bandwidth Test Tool Download

The best method to run the Twitch video bitrate test and check the overall state of a live (or any of the previous) stream is to use

Twitch Bandwidth Test Tool Download

After logging in with your Twitch credentials, this application will display how the video data is getting into Twitch servers, and demonstrate some of the common errors, together with showing if a broadcast has any periods of instability. Most issues will appear in the Bitrate Graph displayed on the Twitch Inspector. The graph shows bitrates out of the broadcaster’s encoder and how they look once they reach Twitch’s server.

Final Remarks

Twitch bitrate and the corresponding Internet speed are essential in terms of determining the quality of your video output and what experience viewers get from watching your stream. There is no set best Twitch bitrate for streaming, as it depends on the technology you have at your disposal. However, you should also remember to take into account both resolution and frame rate settings to set up the right formula and deliver a high-quality broadcast.