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Photoshop Update - for Critical Vulnerability

(NEW). Photoshop 2014 has been identified with a critical issue and we need to replace it -- how can we get a newer version and what is involved with replacing the current Photoshop versions we have installed?

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Adobe released updates to Creative Cloud apps in June, 2015. An updated collection of bundles was built at that time for the JELA enrollees (Army , Air Force, OSD (WHS), DISA and JCS). An additional individual full install package for Photoshop was also built at that time.

The Army has since tested and certified the new install package for Photoshop (for both 32b and 64b platforms). The new install can be downloaded from the Adobe JELA portal and used to replace the previous versions that were installed as part of the Digital Imaging bundle.

The old version of Photoshop will need to be uninstalled first, however, in order to remove the vulnerability. Uninstall can be done manually through the typical Windows process used to remove programs from individual workstations. At this time, there is no recommended option for a silent or SCCM-based uninstall of Photoshop. The install guide for Photoshop 2015 can be found at the following link: Install Guide - Photoshop 2015. The CoN for this newest version of Photoshop ( CERT 201519884 ) is located HERE.

For the remainder of the newest updates for Creative Cloud apps, the Army is reviewing the install packages for certification. As soon as a CoN is approved, all the new versions will be loaded to the portal and replace the current selections available for download.

Download Speed

1. It’s taking a very long time to download some of the Creative Cloud bundles. Is there any way to make this faster?

The Creative Cloud, as an entire product set, is nearly 20 gigabytes in size. The total time to download a file of that size, over a T-1 line (1.54 Mbps) is estimated to take up to 35 hours. Even with download speeds of 100 Mbps (100Base-T), it could take nearly half an hour to download all the files.

Due to the volume of files and the different bundles varying Army TAs need, the Creative Cloud build has been broken into multiple files. The files have also recently been staged on a much faster commercial circuit – which should reduce the time it will take to pull (even the largest) files by several hours. Currently the files shown with the abbreviation of “CDN” after the file name on the portal are available via the commercial circuit.

License Request Timed Out


2. I wasn’t able to download the file I requested before the link expired, how do I get a new link without the license request counting against me (or conflicting with the number of licenses I’m supposed to download)?

Based on how the software is bundled, hosted and delivered, permanent-based links are not available. As a result, we use a timed response for TAs to begin the download process. Once you have started the download, it will continue to process until the file is transferred (even if that process takes longer than 1 hour). If your download fails, or you miss the time allowed to start the process, you can return to the portal and place another request. If the type and number of licenses you request matches the previous entry and aligns with what was listed by CHESS, you should be good to go.

3. The automated email response for license download states that the download link is only good for 60 minutes. What happens if my download stalls or is interrupted past that time?

Once a download process begins, it will continue – even if it takes longer than 60 minutes to finish downloading. However, if you need to restart the download, outside of the 1-hour window, the Trusted Agent will need to submit another license request through the Army portal download site.

4. Does software need to be downloaded to each machine or can it be downloaded and then distributed to other machines?

The method for network and machine-based install will vary depending on the security architecture and application management process by Commands and networks. There is a remote update manager capability for Adobe software but access to that option is determined by Army NETCOM and / or DISA network administrators.

Install Seems to Complete, then backs out – no software is installed?
5. During the installation process, I am able to run the install file. The program seems to be working to load the software; then at the end of the process everything that was installed is rolled back leaving me where I started. What is going on?

In order to ensure Army systems comply with security standards, applications are packaged by the Army NETCOM/AGM team. This packaging does not allow software applications to write to an end user’s “C:Temp” drive. Many times, system administrators will attempt to install files from a shared network directory or from a shared drive on an end user’s machine. This process will not allow the
software to complete the process due to the Temp drive limitation.

Workaround / correct process:
Option 1:
System administrators should copy the required installation files and directories to the end user’s desktop and run the install executable from that location.

Option 2:
Copy the install files and install directory to a DVD and run the installation from the end user’s DVD drive.

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Missing Tools / Software

6. Our Command needs to build custom DVD menus as well as DVD authoring. We noticed that the Adobe tool for this task (Encore) is not installed with Creative Cloud bundles. How can we get Encore?

Adobe Inc. considers the trend in the video and broadcast industry to be moving away from physical media distribution and has decided to focus delivering video to streaming services. For example, Adobe Media Encoder and Adobe Premiere Pro CC include a new feature allowing users to create iPad-ready video with QuickTime chapter markers. As a result, Encore CS6 is the final version of that product.

Although Encore CS6 was the last version, and is not included in the Creative Cloud build, it is approved by the Army as part of CS6 and Creative Cloud on the most recent Certificates of Networthiness.

Leave Encore CS6 on any machines that currently have Creative Suite 6 (CS6) software installed. There is no conflict between versions of the software – you can have both suites (CC and CS6) installed concurrently.

For any users that are on a machine without any previous Adobe versions, you can install Adobe Premiere CS6 and Encore from the additional tools offered as exceptions through the Army Adobe JELA portal. You’ll need to install the “Media Authoring” bundle. This will add a number of tools previously required to run Adobe Encore. There may be some duplication of tools (Premiere 6, Encore 6, Media Encoder 6, Bridge 6, Extension Manager 6) as a result, but the Adobe applications will operate without conflict.

Once installed, consider some of these tips to author DVDs using Creative Cloud:

Encore Help:

7. Our users are on Mac-based systems. How is this different from the Windows licenses?

Mac and Windows licenses are bundled in much the same manner. The bundles should contain the same mix of tools as well. The main difference is that NETCOM and Army cannot provide technical support to installs for Mac users, as these systems are typically off the Army network. If you have a question regarding Mac installs, please contact the Adobe distributor (Carahsoft) or Adobe tech support. Additional resources for Mac Operating System questions are:

Limitations of Mac OS 10.6 with Creative Cloud:

Adobe Creative Cloud Tech Specs:

Adobe Creative Cloud Mac OS X Mavericks notes:

Upgrading an Apple Mac from Snow Leopard (10.6.8) to Lion (10.7), Mountain Lion (10.8), or OS X (Mavericks):

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8. I have a user that only needs a single copy of Photoshop installed. I can’t locate just a copy of Photoshop on the portal to download for them. How can I find the right file?

The Army CoN for Creative Cloud includes more than 20 different tools – each technically can be purchased as a single license. However, maintaining both 32 and 64 bit versions of each tool along with the full collection and all subsequent upgrades falls beyond the scope of the portal and doesn’t provide the best possible service to a majority of customers who need the full version. As a result the tools have been bundled in a series of downloads that include some of the most commonly used and requested packages.

If you only need a single license to install, you’ll need to determine which bundle contains the respective tool and download/install that package for the end user. Each package will install multiple applications, however.
A list of which tools are in each bundle can be reviewed at the following link: CREATIVE CLOUD BUNDLES

After install for a single license, rather than have users uninstall the remaining tools that were not requested, each Army organization will be required to sign a Memorandum of Agreement stating that its users will not operate any of the additional items. As a result, a typical Photoshop (single license) user, for example, may end up with more software on their system than requested. The rationale for this stems from the Army Certification process for Adobe software and the CoN approved bundling of various tools and applications. If a command or user determines that more than a single license is necessary, they have the option to purchase an upgraded license to the full suite of Creative Cloud tools.

Also, if an end user or command process would prefer to remove all the tools not purchased, you can do so without detriment to the other tools’ functionality. Removal can take place using the standard method of uninstalling the unwanted applications from the Windows Control Panel.

9. Are the products available for Adobe Experience Manager (AEM) Document Services different, or are the LiveCycle products included?

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The LiveCycle products are all included within the Adobe JELA AEM. For more information on what products are included in the AEM Document Services portion of the contract, download the Adobe JELA overview below.

Adobe Experience Manager (AEM Document Services):

10. We currently have LiveCycle Designer (v. 10). However, we are interested in getting the latest version of Designer - also known as ES4 or Designer 11. Is the newer version certified for the Army network?

LC Designer was recently recertified for use by the Army. The newest version (v 11), also known as Designer ES4 is available for download from the portal. The new install provides some updated features. In addition, there is a slightly different install process, which is outlined in the document on our Install Guides page - Install Guide - Designer 11 - ES4.

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NOTE: both LiveCycle Designer 10 (ES3) and Designer 11 (ES4) are compatible with LiveCycle Server ES4

Differences between LC 10 and LC 11 (Designer ES3 vs. ES4):

LiveCycle Designer 10 Enhancements:

  • Create and apply styles to objects allowing control and consistency of fonts, colors, and borders in a form and across sets of forms.
  • Support for bulleted, numbered and nested lists in text objects.
  • Add bookmarks to generated PDF documents.
  • Add flash objects to forms and communicate between the form and the SWF.

LiveCycle Designer 11 Enhancements:

  • Built in “Accessibility Checker” to test the accessibility of LiveCycle Designer forms against a set of accessibility rules for forms that a wide range of people can use on a computer screen, including people with disabilities.
  • Add document title to the PDF title bar. If a user opens the designed PDF, the document title will display on the title bar of the window.

11. When I attempt to install Designer, I am prompted for a license key. How can I get a key to complete the process?

The latest version of Designer does not provide a packaging option to bundle in the license key. As a result, the updated serial key for installation is provided to Trusted Agents in an email when they complete the request process to download the new software from the Adobe JELA portal.

12. I am trying to use Reader Extensions. In my case, I am making a form with Designer and want to allow my end users to save a local copy. How to I make reader extensions work?

For your scenario, where an end user is building forms in Designer, they will need to reader extend their forms using LiveCycle Server.

Once the set up of LiveCycle server is complete, you can typically 'reader extend' the form in one of three ways:

1) Visit the WebUI on the LiveCycle server and load your finished, designed form there. The server will extend that form for you to send to end users who only have Acrobat Reader.

2) Drop the finished form (or forms) in a shared directory, folder, or location that the LiveCycle Server is configured to monitor. The server will then automatically extend that form and make it available for your use, distribution.

3) Send an email to the LiveCycle server, with the designer form you built, attached and the server will then respond with a reader extended version of the form for your use.

The links below explain in much more detail:

Configuring Reader Extensions

Using Reader Extensions

Installing LC Server:

13. How do I obtain a license key/certificate in order to set up LiveCycle/AEM Document Services?

There is no certificate needed for end users. A key credential for AEM (LiveCycle) is only required if you use Reader Extensions. Please contact adobe-jela@Carahsoft if you need credentials for Reader Extensions.

13. When I go to my LiveCycle Admin UI, under the licensing section, it says “License has expired.” How do I update my license?

  • Log into the Admin User Interface. Click on: “Licensing.”
  • Read the EULA.
  • Click that you accept the EULA.
  • Set the type of environment. If you’re on a DEV system, select DEV under a perpetual license.
  • Click “Yes” that this license type applies to all the underlying modules.
  • Click “Finish.”

15. Where can I find a current price list of the Adobe JELA products?

Army users / commands are responsible for funding their own license costs for the JELA. Specific questions on payments, pricing should be directed to the Army CIO/G-6 ELD at

16. Aside from the prices for Creative Cloud, how can we determine costs for enterprise tools such as LiveCycle Designer, LiveCycle Server, PDFg and Adobe Acrobat?

All Adobe JELA enterprise tools (everything EXCEPT Creative Cloud) are covered under CLIN 1 of the original contract and are handled by Army CIO/G-6 as enterprise costs, direct to Major Commands throughout the Army. MSC G-6 offices were notified of their respective enterprise costs during year one of the JELA. These costs are handled by Army CIO/G-6 throughout the remainder of each option year. The benefit of this costing method for enterprise tools provides access to all end users on a cost per seat basis and includes:

  • AEM Doc Svcs – all LiveCycle server modules and components
  • Acrobat Pro XI
  • PDFg
  • Live Cycle Designer

17. How can Army personnel get access to licenses through the Adobe JELA?

Users apply for a subscription to their required Adobe JELA product via the Army CHESS License Tracker System (LTS)

Trusted Agents are added to the TA list by CHESS personnel and can download products for install from the following location:

18. What are the current, Army approved Certificates of Networthiness for Adobe JELA products?

  • Photoshop 2015 CoN#: 201519884
  • Creative Cloud CoN #s: 201417020, and 201417988
  • Creative Suite 6 CoN #: 201211672
  • Acrobat CoN #: 201312575
  • AEM CoN #: 201315404

The Adobe JELA does not allow for a HUP, however, it does contain provisions for Army personnel to utilize Adobe software for official government business. The contract permits Army Commands to install Enterprise-wide tools, which (for End Users) includes Acrobat Pro and LiveCycle Server, on an unlimited number of devices -- for use by military, civilian and contractor personnel. The contract also permits Army Commands to install the Creative Cloud family of apps on up to five (5) devices belonging to a named user (with specific limitations).
For Army Users who are authorized to telework by their Command, Adobe licensing applies to devices approved by the Command for telework purposes. For military and civilian personnel to be eligible they must have an official telework agreement in place; for contractors, their contract must stipulate they are approved to work from alternate locations. The Adobe JELA allows these individuals to install the applicable Adobe software on equipment covered under the telework agreement, or in support of the contract, as authorized by the Command for official government business.

20. How long can we use the Adobe JELA products we download / install?

The Adobe JELA for Creative Cloud only covers one year of licensing from the start of the contract period. The period of performance begins 30 Sep 2014. Specific questions on enterprise licensing should be directed to the Army CIO/G-6 ELD at

21. Are Combatant Commands covered under the Adobe JELA license? For example, can personnel assigned throughout EUCOM get access to download licenses too?

The Adobe JELA contract covers only Headquarters elements of COCOMs. Other users assigned to a Combatant Command may be covered under their enrollee-specific license agreement. Please note that COCOMs, in their entirety, are not included in the Adobe JELA contract agreement.

There are many resources available for users of the Adobe JELA:

  • Creative Cloud:
  • Acrobat XI Family:
  • Adobe Experience Manager (AEM Document Services):

23. What if we need product specific questions answered, or more of a one-on-one expert demonstration of the various Adobe products?

The Adobe JELA contract provides access to a variety of Adobe expert resources.

To set up a specific expert advice session, enter your request and explain the type of expert advice you are seeking within the Adobe JELA with Adobe Expert Services at:

There are also several outlets of expert advice and information also available online:

  • Creative Cloud Help and Tutorials
  • Adobe CC Learning Portal
  • Acrobat Help and Tutorials
  • Acrobat Forum
  • Enterprise Deployment Forum

To request technical support for any products within the Adobe JELA, please submit a tech support request at the following URL:

25. Where can I find out more information about the Adobe Joint Enterprise License Agreement (JELA)?

CHESS Adobe JELA page -


Carahsoft -

26. What if I have other questions - who are the points of contact?

Product or Download Technical Support
If you have specific questions regarding the portal, file download or Adobe tech support
please enter a support request at:

Army License Requests / Support
For license requests or questions regarding the Army CHESS process:
please contact the CHESS help desk at: 1-888-232-4405 or

Army Tech Support
For technical support questions that involve software install issues or Army system-specific guidance
please contact the NETCOM AGM Team at

Army Builder License Keygen Code

Contract Questions or other Distribution or Product Related Questions
Please visit the contact information section on the bottom of the Contract page at

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